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Why did we go to Hopcat; I'll give you one word - Founder's! Yup, rumor had it they serve BEvERages by that (LOCAL) brewery, so guess why we're here? "Barkeep, One Dirty B@$+@RD Please!" Oh by the way, did I mention Founder's was a LOCAL brewery?... Guess where we're going tomorrow?!... Download

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PIT_PNCPark-vsSFGiants (7)
PIT_PNCPark-vsSFGiants (31)
PIT_PNCPark-vsSFGiants (39)
PittSwag (5)
GRR_HopCat (15)
  GRR_HopCat (9).JPG - Why did we go to Hopcat; I'll give you one word - Founder's!  Yup, rumor had it they serve BEvERages by that (LOCAL) brewery, so guess why we're here?  "Barkeep, One Dirty B@$+@RD Please!"  Oh by the way, did I mention Founder's was a LOCAL brewery?... Guess where we're going tomorrow?!...  
GRR_FoundersBrewery (1)
GRR_FoundersBrewery (3)
GRR_FoundersBrewery (4)
GRR_FoundersBrewery (7)
GRR_FoundersBrewery (12)